uMfolozi Municipality to open new Municipal Office and Service Centre

Construction of the uMfolozi Municipality Thusong Centre is underway. The Thusong Service Centre will be a one-stop service centre providing information and services to communities, through a development communication approach in an integrated manner.

The Mayor of uMfolozi Municipality, Cllr SW Mgenge, said the Municipal vision for uMfolozi Thusong Centre is to provide citizens with access to information, service and resources from government and non-governmental organisations, enabling them to engage in government programmes for the improvement of their lives.

He also mentioned that it will promote cost-effective, integrated, efficient and sustainable services provisions to better serve the needs of citizens as various departments will be based in the Thusong Centre such as:

  • Social Development Department
  • Home Affairs Department
  • Department of Labour
  • Department of Agriculture
  • IEC
  • SAWID (South African Women In dialogue)

He also thanked Cogta and Richards Bay Minerals for partnering with the Municipality to give an ample space to interface between government and citizens in order to facilitate access and progress at a local government level.

The construction of the Thusong Office’s will be completed by October 2018.